Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Muslim Boy's Guide & Intelligent Heart

A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes by Sami Khan

Have you ever had questions about growing up as a Muslim but did not know who to ask? Well, this is the perfect book for you!

You'll discover the exciting world of the growing Muslim teenager with this practical and easy-to-read guide. A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes gives brotherly advice on life in general from Islam and friends, school and home life through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards.

48 pages Paperback A5 ISBN 1 842 000 72 1


The Intelligent Heart, The Pure Heart
An Insight into the Heart based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and Modern Science by Dr. Gohar Mushtaq

The Qur'an and Hadith refer to the heart as an organ of understanding, thinking and feeling. This book begins by examining the 'intelligence' of the heart according to the Qur'an and hadith and shows how science is only now beginning to discover what has been known to Muslims for over 1400 years. Recognising that the key to Eternal life is a Pure Heart, the second part of the book examines the main diseases of the heart and their cures according to Islam.

104 pages Paperback A5 ISBN 1 842000 75 6


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Subhanallah! Amazing book! Really amazing book! Similar to Purification of the Heart translated by Hamza Yusuf!
Very concise and Complete book about the Spiritual Heart, Physical heart and the Brain! A great book explaining the wisdom of Islamic prayers and teachings in light of modern science!