Before You Regret - Paperback, S$14.90
Those people who do not believe in Allah often feel regret throughout their lives commonly using phrases like "I wish I had not done this…" "I wish I had never said this...", and so on. More importantly, they are subject to a much greater regret in the Hereafter. Those who lived a life apart from religion in this world will regret every moment of their lives. They were warned before and invited to the straight path. They had enough time to contemplate and embrace the right way. Yet they did not listen when they were warned, ignoring the Hereafter as if they would never die. Then in the Hereafter, they will have no chance to get back to this world and correct their errors.The aim of this book is to warn people against a day when they will regret saying "had we only understood…", "had we only not rejected the signs of our Lord…", "had we only followed those who brought us the message…", "had we only done this and that" etc and to invite them to live for Allah while they still have the chance to correct their wrongs.
The Mercy of Believers - Paperback, S$10.00
Here, Harun Yahya explains the concept of mercy. His is not the traditional definition of mercy, meaning kindness and compassion. Rather he asserts that true mercy stems from a genuine love of Allah.
His logic is as follows:
An individual's love of Allah leads him to feel an intimacy towards all of those beings whom Allah has created. Those who love Allah feel a direct link with and closeness to His creatures. Out of this profound love and attachment to Allah, he behaves towards others in accordance with good morals as set forth in the Qur'an. He fulfills Allah's orders regarding mercy. Real mercy is manifested when one fully complies with these commands of the Qur'an.
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