Perished Nation - Paperback S$25.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
Throughout history, many societies have suffered from great catastrophes because of their blasphemy and perversion against God. Some were destroyed some by a volcanic eruption, some by a disastrous flood, and some by a sand storm...Perished Nations examines these penalties as revealed in the verses of the Quran and in light of archaeological discoveries.You may also read Quranic description of Noah`s flood and the Ark and the correspondence of this account with the scientific evidence. 149 pages with 73 pictures in colour.
The Evolution Deceit - Paperback S$34.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
Recent developments in science completely disprove the theory of evolution. The only reason Darwinism is still foisted on people by means of a worldwide propaganda campaign lies in the ideological aspects of the theory.This book clarifies the scientific collapse of the theory of evolution for the lay man. It reveals the frauds and distortions committed by evolutionists to "prove" evolution. Anyone who wants to learn about the origin of living things, including mankind, needs to read this book. 238 pages with 166 pictures in colour.
The Truth of The Life of This World - Paperback S$34.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
Forgetting that death is likely to put an end to this life at any time, man simply believes that he can enjoy a perfect and happy life. Yet he evidently deceives himself. The world is a temporary place specially created by God to test man. That is why, it is inherently flawed and far from satisfying man's endless needs and desires. Each and every attraction existing in the world eventually wears out, becomes corrupt, decays and finally disappears. This is the never-changing reality of life. 224 pages with 144 pictures in colour .
For Men of Understanding - Paperback S$63.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
One of the purposes why the Qur'an was revealed is to summon people to think about creation and its works. When a person examines his own body or any other living thing in nature, the world or the whole universe, in it he sees a great design, art, plan and intelligence. All this is evidence proving God's being, unit, and eternal power. For Men of Understanding was written to make the reader see and realise some of the evidence of creation in nature. Many living miracles are revealed in the book with hundreds of pictures and brief explanations. 288 pages with 467 pictures in colour.
Deep Thinking - Paperback S$25.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
Have you ever thought that you were non-existent before you were born and suddenly appeared on Earth? Have you ever thought that the peel of a banana, melon, watermelon or an orange each serve as a quality package preserving the fruit's odour and taste?Man is a being to which God has granted the faculty of thinking. Yet a majority of people fail to employ this faculty as they should… The purpose of this book is to summon people to think in the way they should and to guide them in their efforts to think. 128 pages with 137 pictures in colour.
Jesus will Return - Paperback S$20.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
In the Qur'an, there is an explicit reference to the "second coming of the Jesus to the world" which is heralded in a hadith. The realization of some information revealed in the Qur'an about Jesus can only be possible by Jesus' second coming… His return will be a great turning point in history, an act will unite all the believers in God, will give an end to all the pains and turmoil of disbelief and will bring peace and happiness to mankind. 95 pages.
Islam and Karma S$25.90
Published by TA-HA Publishers
Many people today are looking for a way to establish a way of life that will bring them contentment, inner certainty and peace. Some of these seekers believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes, dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them. However, these religions espouse many beliefs and practices that conflict with reason and logic.The belief in karma is one such characteristic of these religions that are currently attracting interest in our countries. Although it encourages people to adopt certain positive moral qualities, the philosophy of karma also contains several erroneous and superstitious beliefs. It is not possible for these superstitions, which form the basis of the belief in karma, to become a way to freedom for humanity or to bring people genuine inner certainty and peace of mind. On the contrary, they cause even greater spiritual confusion. The way to ensuring real happiness and peace of mind in this world is the religion of Islam and its source, the Qur'an which our Lord, Allah, the One and Only Lord of the universe, chose for humanity in order to restore the truths previously revealed to Prophets and Messengers among all peoples on earth but forgotten and corrupted to some extent almost everywhere.This book deals both with those aspects of the belief in karma that concern good ethical practices that accord with the teachings of the Qur'an, and with those erroneous aspects that accord neither with the Qu'ran, nor with human reason and nor with human conscience.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Harun Yahya - Before You Regret, The Mercy of Believers
Before You Regret - Paperback, S$14.90
Those people who do not believe in Allah often feel regret throughout their lives commonly using phrases like "I wish I had not done this…" "I wish I had never said this...", and so on. More importantly, they are subject to a much greater regret in the Hereafter. Those who lived a life apart from religion in this world will regret every moment of their lives. They were warned before and invited to the straight path. They had enough time to contemplate and embrace the right way. Yet they did not listen when they were warned, ignoring the Hereafter as if they would never die. Then in the Hereafter, they will have no chance to get back to this world and correct their errors.The aim of this book is to warn people against a day when they will regret saying "had we only understood…", "had we only not rejected the signs of our Lord…", "had we only followed those who brought us the message…", "had we only done this and that" etc and to invite them to live for Allah while they still have the chance to correct their wrongs.
The Mercy of Believers - Paperback, S$10.00
Here, Harun Yahya explains the concept of mercy. His is not the traditional definition of mercy, meaning kindness and compassion. Rather he asserts that true mercy stems from a genuine love of Allah.
His logic is as follows:
An individual's love of Allah leads him to feel an intimacy towards all of those beings whom Allah has created. Those who love Allah feel a direct link with and closeness to His creatures. Out of this profound love and attachment to Allah, he behaves towards others in accordance with good morals as set forth in the Qur'an. He fulfills Allah's orders regarding mercy. Real mercy is manifested when one fully complies with these commands of the Qur'an.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Harun Yahya Selections - For Adults
In this book EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE TRUTH, Harun Yahya touches on fundamental question in life such as 'How and why am I here?', 'Who created me?', or 'Where am I going'. One has to ask such questions to find the truth. Failing to do so, one becomes trapped in the vicious circle of daily life and turns into a selfish creature caring only for himself. This book summons people to think on such basic questions and to discover the real meaning of life.
Available in Paperback. S$12.90
A Muslim's life is concisely described as follows in the Qur'an: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds." (Surat al-Anaam:162) Muslims live for the cause of Allah and strive to earn the good pleasure of Allah, arranging their lives according to His Will. A believer who decides to live for the cause of Allah must abandon all the idols of the society of ignorance Devoted to Allah is a summons to overthrow these idols for good.
DEVOTED TO ALLAH is available in paperback, S$9.90.
In this book, Harun Yahya tackles the subject of death. Although people are often uncomfortable to talk or even think about death, it is a certainty which will befall each and every one of us at a moment known only to our Creator. Our worldly life is merely a transition phase between birth and death. The purpose of this book is to remind readers to heed Allah’s warnings and prepare for death. It also describes resurrection after death and the punishment of hellfire. Yahya brings a valuable message to readers in an easy to understand manner. Despite the seriousness of the subject at hand, it is presented in an engaging format which is meant to encourage the reader to act on the knowledge presented.
Available in paperback, S$12.50.
In this book, Harun Yahya proceeds with his analysis of disbelief. He explains how those who disbelieve in the truth and oneness of God are misguided by their crude understanding of life’s purpose. They are blinded by worldly desires and goals and lose sight of the ultimate goal of eternal paradise. Yahya focuses on Islam, the way of living chosen and enjoined by Allah, as the only solution to eliminate this mentality
CRUDE UNDERSTANDING OF DISBELIEF comes in paperback, S$12.90
Available in Paperback. S$12.90
A Muslim's life is concisely described as follows in the Qur'an: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds." (Surat al-Anaam:162) Muslims live for the cause of Allah and strive to earn the good pleasure of Allah, arranging their lives according to His Will. A believer who decides to live for the cause of Allah must abandon all the idols of the society of ignorance Devoted to Allah is a summons to overthrow these idols for good.
DEVOTED TO ALLAH is available in paperback, S$9.90.
In this book, Harun Yahya tackles the subject of death. Although people are often uncomfortable to talk or even think about death, it is a certainty which will befall each and every one of us at a moment known only to our Creator. Our worldly life is merely a transition phase between birth and death. The purpose of this book is to remind readers to heed Allah’s warnings and prepare for death. It also describes resurrection after death and the punishment of hellfire. Yahya brings a valuable message to readers in an easy to understand manner. Despite the seriousness of the subject at hand, it is presented in an engaging format which is meant to encourage the reader to act on the knowledge presented.
Available in paperback, S$12.50.
In this book, Harun Yahya proceeds with his analysis of disbelief. He explains how those who disbelieve in the truth and oneness of God are misguided by their crude understanding of life’s purpose. They are blinded by worldly desires and goals and lose sight of the ultimate goal of eternal paradise. Yahya focuses on Islam, the way of living chosen and enjoined by Allah, as the only solution to eliminate this mentality
CRUDE UNDERSTANDING OF DISBELIEF comes in paperback, S$12.90
First Steps In Arabic Grammar
For those who are keen to learn arabic in a structured manner but at your own pace, this is the book that I'd highly recommend. The IQRA foundation uses this book as part of its curriculum to teach basic Arabic grammar. The book provides learners with relevant exercises after each topic as a form a revision. It also has a whole list of vocabs at the end of the book. This book is suitable for children (10 years and above) and adults.
This book is available in English paperback, comes in 173 pages - priced at S$13.
Tudung - Beyong Face Value
Beyond Face Value - S$20
This book provides insights into the fascinating world of Islam by unveiling the mystery of the tudung or hijab (headscarf). Forty-two Muslims and non-Muslims pen their views about Islamic modesty, their personal experiences with the hijab and its wearers, and their struggle to combat stereotypes in a pluralistic society. A colourful anthology of articles, personal anecdotes, quotes and poems, this coffee-table book is a must-read for those who wish to gain a refreshing insight into Islam and the lives of Muslims.
Learn about the holistic concept of Islamic modesty. Explore the factors behind the increasing trend of young scarf-wearing girls. Find out why contemporary Muslim women have turned to donning the headscarf. Be inspired by hijab-wearing women who brave the challenges at the workplace. Hear from individuals who embrace cultural and religious diversity through mutual understanding and respect.
This book is a must-read! The stunning photography and thought-provoking essays reveal the essential beauty of the Muslim woman who wears the hijab or head veil.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Teach Your Child Islam (Available in English & Malay)
Teach Your Child Islam / Asuh Anak Anda Islam
Available in both English and Malay. Consists of 9 books.
Paperback, S$45.00 per set
Recommended for 4-12 years old
Book 1: We Love Allah We Love Islam/ Buku 1 : Kami Sayang Allah Kami Sayang Islam
This book teaches the concept of creation and answers questions such as "Why Allah Created Us" and "Why we have to pray to Allah?"
Book 2 : We Believe/ Buku 2 : Kami Beriman
This book touches on the 6 pillars of faith in Islam.
Book 3 : We Proof Our Belief / Buku 3 : Kami Buktikan Iman Kami
This book handles 5 pillars of Islam i.e what should a Muslim do.
Book 4 : We Believe in Only One God/ Buku 4 : Kami Beriman Kepada Allah Yang Esa
This book helps children to understand the existence of Allah, our Creator.
Book 5 : We Know The Asmaa-ul-Husna / Buku 5 : Kami Mengetahui Asmaa-ul Husnaa
This book teaches the 99 Names of Allah. (Asmaa-ul Husna).
Book 6 : We Believe in the Malaaikah (Angels) / Buku 6 : Kami Beriman Kepada Malaikat
This book teaches about the angels of Allah.
Book 7 : We Believe in The Books of Allah / Buku 7 : Kami Beriman Kepada Kitab-Kitab Allah
This book touches on the varous Books of Allah.
Book 8 : We Believe in the Qur-aan/ Buku 8 : Kami Beriman Kepada Al-Quran
This book dwells into how the Al-Quran was gathered and arranged according to the various verses and chapters.
Book 9 : We Believe The Greatest Miracle Is the Quran / Buku 9 : Kami Percaya Al-Quran Adalah Mukjizat Yang Terbesar
This book teaches why Al-Quran is the greatest Miracle and gift that Allah has given us.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Allah Makes Early Reading Set - Recommended
This Allah Early Reading Set comes with 10 board books, more than 100 flash cards and a unique "snake & ladder" game. This game set helps reinforce akhlak among children - so they have fun and learn at the same time.
This set is recommended from babies to 5 years old. The illustrations are bright and colourful with very few words. The books are durable. It starts with Book 1 : Allah Makes Us which is very simple and progresses to Book 10: Allah Makes the World.
So for parents who which to embark on a fun learning journey with your children, this is an excellent book to start with. Your child can start reading in no time. Insya'allah.
The whole set costs S$99.00.
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