Published by TA-HA Publishers
Throughout history, many societies have suffered from great catastrophes because of their blasphemy and perversion against God. Some were destroyed some by a volcanic eruption, some by a disastrous flood, and some by a sand storm...Perished Nations examines these penalties as revealed in the verses of the Quran and in light of archaeological discoveries.You may also read Quranic description of Noah`s flood and the Ark and the correspondence of this account with the scientific evidence. 149 pages with 73 pictures in colour.

Published by TA-HA Publishers
Recent developments in science completely disprove the theory of evolution. The only reason Darwinism is still foisted on people by means of a worldwide propaganda campaign lies in the ideological aspects of the theory.This book clarifies the scientific collapse of the theory of evolution for the lay man. It reveals the frauds and distortions committed by evolutionists to "prove" evolution. Anyone who wants to learn about the origin of living things, including mankind, needs to read this book. 238 pages with 166 pictures in colour.

Published by TA-HA Publishers
Forgetting that death is likely to put an end to this life at any time, man simply believes that he can enjoy a perfect and happy life. Yet he evidently deceives himself. The world is a temporary place specially created by God to test man. That is why, it is inherently flawed and far from satisfying man's endless needs and desires. Each and every attraction existing in the world eventually wears out, becomes corrupt, decays and finally disappears. This is the never-changing reality of life. 224 pages with 144 pictures in colour .

Published by TA-HA Publishers
One of the purposes why the Qur'an was revealed is to summon people to think about creation and its works. When a person examines his own body or any other living thing in nature, the world or the whole universe, in it he sees a great design, art, plan and intelligence. All this is evidence proving God's being, unit, and eternal power. For Men of Understanding was written to make the reader see and realise some of the evidence of creation in nature. Many living miracles are revealed in the book with hundreds of pictures and brief explanations. 288 pages with 467 pictures in colour.

Published by TA-HA Publishers
Have you ever thought that you were non-existent before you were born and suddenly appeared on Earth? Have you ever thought that the peel of a banana, melon, watermelon or an orange each serve as a quality package preserving the fruit's odour and taste?Man is a being to which God has granted the faculty of thinking. Yet a majority of people fail to employ this faculty as they should… The purpose of this book is to summon people to think in the way they should and to guide them in their efforts to think. 128 pages with 137 pictures in colour.

Published by TA-HA Publishers
In the Qur'an, there is an explicit reference to the "second coming of the Jesus to the world" which is heralded in a hadith. The realization of some information revealed in the Qur'an about Jesus can only be possible by Jesus' second coming… His return will be a great turning point in history, an act will unite all the believers in God, will give an end to all the pains and turmoil of disbelief and will bring peace and happiness to mankind. 95 pages.

Published by TA-HA Publishers
Many people today are looking for a way to establish a way of life that will bring them contentment, inner certainty and peace. Some of these seekers believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes, dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them. However, these religions espouse many beliefs and practices that conflict with reason and logic.The belief in karma is one such characteristic of these religions that are currently attracting interest in our countries. Although it encourages people to adopt certain positive moral qualities, the philosophy of karma also contains several erroneous and superstitious beliefs. It is not possible for these superstitions, which form the basis of the belief in karma, to become a way to freedom for humanity or to bring people genuine inner certainty and peace of mind. On the contrary, they cause even greater spiritual confusion. The way to ensuring real happiness and peace of mind in this world is the religion of Islam and its source, the Qur'an which our Lord, Allah, the One and Only Lord of the universe, chose for humanity in order to restore the truths previously revealed to Prophets and Messengers among all peoples on earth but forgotten and corrupted to some extent almost everywhere.This book deals both with those aspects of the belief in karma that concern good ethical practices that accord with the teachings of the Qur'an, and with those erroneous aspects that accord neither with the Qu'ran, nor with human reason and nor with human conscience.