Sunday, March 12, 2006
Interesting Reads from Quran Stories for Little Hearts
Read to your child about the story of Luqman, the pious man mentioned in the Quran (Surah 31 - Luqman) and the advices that he gave to his son.
Read to your child about the story of Prophet Musa a.s. and his encounter with the evil Firawn, his magicians and the parting of the Red Sea (from Surah 7:109-126 and Surah 26:52-67).
Read about the story of Prophet Yusuf a.s and how he interpreted the king's dream but inspiration given by Allah swt. (from Surah 12:21-100).
Tell your child about Prophet Musa a.s meeting with Khidir, the wise man and the lessons that Prophet Musa learnt. (from Surah18:60-82).
Quran Stories For Little Hearts
This Gift Box comes with 20 titles. They are :-
2. Allah Speaks to the Prophet Musa
3. The Pious Man and His Sons
4. The Iron Wall
5. The Queen and the Bird
6. Life Begins
7. The First Man
8. Travels of Prophet Ibrahim
9. The Ark of Nuh
10. The Builder of the Ka'abah
11. The Brave Boy
12. The Two Brothers
13. The Prophet King
14. The Ants Panic
15. The Story of Two Gardens
16. The Most Patient Man
17. The Brothers of the Prophet Yusuf
18. The Prophet Yusuf & the King's Dream
19. Tale of a Fish
20. The Prophet Hud and the Storm
This My Quran Stories for Little Hearts Gift box consisting of 20 titles costs $100.
We also have gift box that comes with 6 titles, My Quran Stories for Little Heart Set 1 to Set 7, priced at $30 per set. If you want to know the titles in each set, please email us at
Thank You Allah for Water - Early Reading Series
Thank you Allah for Water is an extension from the "Allah Makes" reading set. The focus for this reading set is water - Allah's crucial creation.
It brings with it a whole new set of vocabulary, interactive elements and new perspectives.Each book is equipped with simple instructions to guide you on how to provide loving supervision to make your child’s journey of early reading fun and enjoyable, while implanting deep in the child’s psyche, the awareness of the Supreme Creator as the “Maker” of each and everything around us.
Available in Paperback, Price: S$15.00 for a set of 5 books
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
"I Can" Series
The illustrations are bright, colourful and printed on glossy paper. Your children will definitely want to read them over and over again!
"I Can Pray Anywhere!"
"I Can Pray Anywhere!" introduces the concept andpractice of Prayer in Islam. At the same time,it points to the beauty and charms oflandscape, so generously bestowed by Allahon the planet earth.
"I Can Wear Hijab Anywhere!"
"I Can Read the Quran Anywhere!"
"I Can Make Dua Anywhere!"
"I Can Say Bismillah Anywhere!"
"I Can Eat Anything Anywhere!"
All these titles are available in Hardcover, S$25.90 each
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Hilmy The Hippo Series
The colourful pictures will definitely capture the imagination of your children. Excellent read!
We all like to make new friends. In this enchanting tale, Hilmy sets out to make some new friends, but soon learns a valuable lesson. It is not wise to try and impress others. When Hilmy's lies are put to the test he learns that friends like you for who you are and not for what you can do.
No one likes to be bullied or called names and when Hilmy's friends mock and bully him, he is very upset. He soon realises the blessings of friendship and that God doesn't love those who aren't nice to others. But when his mocking friends suddenly find themselves in danger, how should Hilmy respond? In this new addition Hilmy the Hippo learns how to deal with bullying and how he should act if others need help.
Has someone you have ever loved died? When Hilmy learns that his best friend, the blue dragonfly, has died, he asks the question, "What happens to us when we die?" Hilmy's search for the answer takes him to the forest where the wise terrapin lives. In this touching tale, Hilmy learns that we belong to God and there comes a time when we must return to Him.
Have you ever wondered about the creation? Why are we all different? These are some of the questions Hilmy the Hippo asks his friends. In this charming little story Hilmy finds the answers. 'Hilmy Learns about the Creation ' is another exciting tale of adventure and discovery.
Don't we all like to look in the mirror? But sometimes some of us think too much about our appearance. In this new adventure Hilmy finds himself in the forest where he sees his reflection for the first time. Giant, the wise elephant, is on hand to teach Hilmy the truth about being vain.
Not satisfied what we have now? Hilmy brings you to his journey of finding a better home and finds out the lesson behind his adventure.
All the titles above are available in Hardcover at S$19.90 each.
Allah Gave Me Series (Islamic Foundation)
Tell Me About Islamic History
Find the answers to these questions in this splendid book.
When and where were the first Islamic coins produced? Who was Al-Idrisi? We all know that Christopher Columbus sailed west from Europe in 1492 CE, but why is this date so important in Islamic history?
The Outstanding Features of the book include: - Succinctly written material from the pages of history - Introduction to important landmarks in Islamic History - Prophet’s letter to King Heraclius - Many unique illustrations showing first Islamic coins, a beautiful silver dirham of the 12th century, etc.
A definitely good read!
Available in hardcover S$24.90
My Tell Me About Gift Box - Save $14.60
Monday, March 06, 2006
Tell Me About Hajj by Saniyasnain Khan
The book consists if colour illustrations and beautiful photos of Makkah & Madinah.
Available in Paperback - S$14.90, Hardcover - S$24.90
Tell Me About Yusuf
Tell Me About Musa
Hardcover, S$24.90
Tell Me About Creation by Harun Yahya
Tell Me About Muhammad
This hardcover book presents in a very simplified manner the life of the Prophet Muhammad saw. It starts from a few months before he was born to the end of his life.
We will learn about the hijrah (migration) that he made to Makkah and his last sermons at Mina. This is a book that is not only meant for children but for adults prefer light reading as well as learn new things about our Prophet.
Price : S$24.90